Elections & Voting
Whether you plan to attend in-person or virtually, please register for the meeting below. You may register at the door if attending in person, but we would ask that you pre-register online for planning purposes. Registration is required in order to vote.
Voting eligibility is limited to:
East Bde Maka Ska residents 18+.
Business owners/lessees of real property in the neighborhood.
Designated representatives of nonprofits, educational organizations, or governmental organizations in the neighborhood.
East Bde Maka Ska neighborhood boundaries are Lake St, Hennepin Ave, 36th St, and E Bde Maka Ska Pkwy. Voting takes place via an online ballot that is emailed after the Annual Meeting ends, and remains available for 24 hours. Each attendee who is eligible to vote will receive an email with instructions on how to access the ballot once the ballot becomes available.
*If there the candidates are uncontested, a vote by acclamation can occur at the meeting to approve all those nominated. In the event of this, a message will be posted here and emailed to our subscribers.
Voting will open after the meeting online. You must register in order to vote.