

President's Note


As the seasons shift, it offers a wonderful reminder that change is not just inevitable, but indeed beautiful. Here in our own home, we are embracing the changes that come with life—schools starting a new year, extracurricular activities ending and beginning, birthdays, anniversaries and so much more. We're celebrating the memories while looking ambitiously towards the challenges ahead. 

As your neighborhood association, we've been gifted with the opportunity to lead some community changes over the last 8 months and together, we've endured and embraced growth in so many ways. We've been blessed recently with an opportunity to work with the incredibly talented team at Slalom Consulting, who volunteered their skills and time to create an intentional, authentic brand identity—reflecting not just who we are, but also who we will seek to be in the coming years ahead:


We're so excited to share this with you—along with some additional efforts and initiatives that the entire neighborhood has been working on during the year. Stay tuned for more on other projects! 

In the meantime, I hope that like us, you are also finding time to embrace the changes in your lives this season and welcoming it with open hearts and minds. As we do, we hope to see you out and about around the neighborhood enjoying the amazing things that continue to provide for us in this space we call home.


Thang Holt, President
East Bde Maka Ska Neighborhood Association

Cuyler Dinegan