

Ways to Get Involved in March

1) Attend a Fix-It Clinic. Hennepin Co. Fix-It Clinics provide a free opportunity to repair broken household items, and also help residents learn repair skills, save money, have fun, and experience the joy of fixing things. See the upcoming clinic schedule.

2) Local businesses can attend the Minneapolis Vibrancy Summit: Saturday, Mar. 9, 10 AM – 1 PM. The Minneapolis Business Alliance will share ideas with fellow experts, business owners, restaurant managers/owners, and stakeholders inMinneapolis and develop an action plan to address these issues as a collaborative body. RSVP with Andrea Corbin.

3) Enter the tree lottery. The City Health Dept. is partnering with Tree Trust to offer 1,000 low-cost shade and evergreen trees to help build the city’s tree canopy. All Minneapolis property owners can enter, if selected you’ll be emailed in April with info on how to order your tree(s). Enter by Mar. 31 for a chance to get up to two $30 trees! 

4) Brush up on personal safety practices. Crime has seen a spike across the City. Ward 7 Councilmember Katie Cashman recently sent a safety update including tips.

Cuyler Dinegan