

Sept. Community Safety Update

  • Safety Walks Continue Every Saturday: Meet 10 AM at the St. Mary's Greek Orthodox Church parking lot to set off across East Bde Maka Ska. Walkers will receive a free Community Safety shirt and knit cap!

  • Neighborhood Block Leaders Wanted! East Bde Maka Ska is accepting Block Captain applications! Please review the Block Captain Guide to understand expectations with this role before submitting an application:

  • MPD Buy Back Program: After much thought, we've determined not to pursue a neighborhood Buy Back program. We haven't seen actual results from other neighborhoods participating in such programs; hard data isn't available, requested hours aren't necessarily met, and neighborhood patrols are often pulled away to other areas—Precinct 5 services 20 neighborhoods, totaling 100,000+ residents. The program also means overtime for an already overworked, understaffed police force. We're exploring alternate options via the City's violence interrupter network.

Again, all updates on next safety steps come through our e-updates, or in our monthly Livability Committee meetings. If you have questions or are willing to join our efforts by volunteering your time, please email

Cuyler Dinegan