The East Bde Maka Ska Neighborhood Association* is sponsoring a public forum for our neighborhood to express concerns and hear from City officials on safety issues.
Monday, August 23
6:30-8:00 p.m.
Zoom meeting
Guests: Inspector Katie Blackwell, Fifth Precinct and Crime Prevention Specialist Jessica Kawas
Registration: Use the following link to the register for the event
Our neighborhood has seen crime issues like neighborhoods throughout the City, in addition to protests, both peaceful and not. We are going to have an open Zoom meeting with Inspector Katie Blackwell of the Fifth Precinct, and Jessica Kawas our Neighborhood Crime Prevention Specialist from the Neighborhood and Community Relations department of the City of Minneapolis.
While the meeting will be open to all who want to join in, we will give priority to questions and comments from the neighborhood. We also want to establish some guidelines to keep the meeting civil, focused, and respectful to all who participate. This is not a meeting to discuss the upcoming elections and candidates, or the various charter amendments being proposed. Separate forums are being planned for these. What we do want to offer is an opportunity for City officials responsible for public safety an opportunity to present the current status of crimes in the area, what strategies are being employed to deal with this, and what we can expect for crime prevention and investigation. We also hope to that there will be opportunities to think about how we can prevent crime ourselves, and what we can do to make our neighborhood safer and welcoming to others.
Some rules of the forum we will employ are:
Questions to presenters can be submitted in advance. Questions or comments during the presentation can be made through the chat function and will be presented to the group as time allows.
No political endorsements will be presented nor will disparaging comments of political or public persons.
Please pose questions and comments from a personal perspective rather than representing a group.
Keep in mind that there are a range of strongly held feelings and positions regarding public safety and have respect for differing views.
The Zoom meeting will be moderated by a Board representative, but not recorded.
We look forward to a productive meeting.
Paul Lussenhop
Chair Safety Committee
East Bde Maka Ska Neighborhood Organization
*On August 5, 2021, the neighborhood board voted to change the name of the neighborhood organization to East Bde Maka Ska Neighborhood Association. We are in the process of legally changing the name and implementing the new name for the organization and the neighborhood.