Please join us for this online meeting.
Note: this meeting is being held one week earlier than our usual meeting day to honor the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.
Meeting agenda:
7:00 Introductions, agenda review
7:10 Bde Maka Ska Refectory Rebuild project
Daniel Elias, Design Project Manager, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, will give us an update on the latest plans and schedules.
Community Engagement Plan
Bde Maka Ska Refectory Rebuild project website
7:40 The City of Minneapolis is proposing an amendment regarding accessory dwelling units (ADU)
-Discuss what we know and what we want to do regarding a position
-Read below for information on the proposed amendment and the public hearing on January 25
7:50 Next steps in our outreach plans for ECCO neighbors and Uptown businesses
- We have had discussions on these topics over the past few months
- Tonight we will be looking to develop action plans and engagement models and volunteer opportunities
8:15 Committee updates
- Pedestrian safety and traffic
- Development
8:25 Announcements
8:30 Adjourn
Please email for links to join the meeting via Zoom.