We all could use some social time during the Stay at Home order.
Join us for a Video Conference Happy Hour!
There are two ways to join us:
Zoom video*
Click this link to join the meeting:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85149441486?pwd=R2ZvNVJ5cjFHVkcvSkprcnhOTDk3QT09 and follow the promptsMeeting ID: 851 4944 1486
Password: 972916
Call in to the meeting
Dial 1-312-626-6799 (Chicago phone number)
Enter meeting ID and password when prompted
Meeting ID 851 4944 1486 #
Password: 972916
If you have questions, please contact Monica Smith at nrp@eastcalhoun.org.
*Find information on how to join via video here.